Cooperation: strategy for sustainability of resources
DOI: clave:
cooperation, social choice. corporate culture, groups, social capitalResumen
This article seeks to answer the question: ¿what should be the principle of structuring an organization if there is no basis underlying the foundation of the structure dedicated to the sustainability of resources? The proposed idea is not only to define the corporate structure, but also seek mutual benefits collectively, to facilitate sustainability and optimization of resources of the organization, from coherent, relevant, viable and rigorous strategies. To this end the postulates of critics Robert Axelrod, Michael Taylor, Thomas Schelling, Roy Behr, Elinor Ostrom and Garret Hardin, which formed the basis for the theoretical formulation of evolution in cooperation systems related resources are presented. Presents and analyzes the principles of: definition of limits, rules and sanctions for resource appropriators, collective choice arrangements, and supervision. Product of the approaches set, it follows that to obtain significant benefits, it is necessary to develop models of collective self-management and self-management.
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