Conceptual foundations of innovative capacity


  • David Álvarez-Maldonado Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de chile
  • Alejandro Álvarez-Guarategua Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile
  • Manuel Letzkus-Palavecino Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM)
  • Carlos Aparicio-Puentes Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Nicolás Barrientos-Oradini Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Mauricio Araneda-Reyes Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Alberto Amón-Jadue Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez



Capabilities, Innovation, People


Innovative capacity is essential for organizational performance. In this research, a theoretical review of the foundations of innovative capacity is carried out, in relation to the capacity approach. It is concluded in the importance of the micro foundations for the performance of the innovative capacity.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Maldonado, D. ., Álvarez-Guarategua, . A., Letzkus-Palavecino, . M., Aparicio-Puentes, C., Barrientos-Oradini, N., Araneda-Reyes, . M., & Amón-Jadue, A. (2024). Conceptual foundations of innovative capacity. Dimensión Empresarial, 21(5).




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