Media discourse on chilean dynamic capacities


  • David Álvarez-Maldonado
  • Nicolás Barrientos Oradini Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Carlos Aparicio Puentes Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Alejandro Álvarez-Guarategua Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile
  • Alberto Amón Jadue Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
  • Mauricio Araneda Reyes Universidad Alberto Hurtado



Dynamic Capabilities, Chile, Discourse Analysis


Within the social and economic context of Chile, a qualitative investigation is conducted aiming to describe the conceptual characteristics of media discourses associated with the dynamic capabilities of organizations. The study identifies 16 significant constructs that articulate a discourse, which establishes the political causes involved in the dynamism of the environment and the social foundations of firm capabilities. The result is a process map that describes the prevailing mental model commonly found in the analyzed media discourses.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Maldonado, D. ., Barrientos Oradini, N., Aparicio Puentes, C., Álvarez-Guarategua, A., Amón Jadue, A., & Araneda Reyes, M. (2024). Media discourse on chilean dynamic capacities. Dimensión Empresarial, 21(5).




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