The strategic management of business alliances


  • David Álvarez-Maldonado
  • Nicolás Barrientos Oradini Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Alejandro Álvarez-Guarategua Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile
  • Manuel Letzkus-Palavecino Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile
  • Carlos Aparicio Puentes Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Mauricio Araneda Reyes Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Alberto Amón Jadue Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez



Strategic Alliances, Alliances between Firms, Companies


This theoretical research develops a reflection on the strategic management of alliances between firms, from an evolutionary perspective, with the purpose of describing the mechanisms in which collaborative practices operate between different business organizations. The result is a conceptual proposal, in which the alliance is understood as a compound organization, constituted by a main hybrid that operates together with multiple agents, based on collaborative behavior orientation mechanisms through two processes that would impact the psychology of the people: incentives and regulatory codes.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Maldonado, D. ., Barrientos Oradini, N., Álvarez-Guarategua, A., Letzkus-Palavecino, M. ., Aparicio Puentes, C., Araneda Reyes, M., & Amón Jadue, A. (2024). The strategic management of business alliances. Dimensión Empresarial, 21(5).




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