Conceptual foundations of integrated enterprise waste management


  • David Álvarez-Maldonado
  • Nicolás Barrientos Oradini Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Carlos Aparicio Puentes Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Alejandro Álvarez-Guarategua Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile
  • Alberto Amón Jadue Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
  • Mauricio Araneda Reyes Universidad Alberto Hurtado



Companies, Waste Management, Memories


The phenomenon of pollution has been faced by companies through strategic and practical guidelines, with the purpose of avoiding the catastrophic consequences of poor waste management. In this research, a qualitative approach is used to carry out a documentary analysis of the public business reports of three companies, with the aim of characterizing the contents associated with the companies' waste management. The results show propositions that justify contamination and the description of activities to limit the negative effects of contamination, giving rise to a classification behavior that allows waste management.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Maldonado, D. ., Barrientos Oradini, N., Aparicio Puentes, C., Álvarez-Guarategua, A., Amón Jadue, A., & Araneda Reyes, M. (2024). Conceptual foundations of integrated enterprise waste management. Dimensión Empresarial, 21(5).




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