Pedagogical experiences for historical memory and the construction of peace. Rethinking rural schools amid the Colombian armed conflict


  • Héctor Betancur-Giraldo Egresado UNAD
  • José Alexander Monroy Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Jesús María Pineda-Patrón Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Daniel Olivera-Paniagua Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



colombian armed conflict, rural education, historical memory, narratives.


This research article addresses the experiences around the pedagogical practices of a group of rural teachers in contexts of armed conflict, through a process of historical memory and construction of a culture of peace from the pedagogical task, taking into account cultural diversity of the territory and the sensitive needs of the communities that have been affected by the internal war and that have suffered the abandonment of the State. As a methodological foundation in the research, theoretical perspectives of narratives were implemented, making the voices of teachers visible in an interpretive exercise, from Discourse Analysis (AD) in the logic of the Systematization of Experiences (SE), delving into the essential elements to promote a culture of peace, processes of memory reconstruction and reparation from the pedagogical events. In this way, it is helping to project and rethink an education that embraces different subjectivities. It concludes with the role that pedagogy must fulfill to re-signify the experiences of the Colombian armed conflict, as an ethical and political act of reparation to the victims, proposing the understanding-transformation of realities from the paths of memory, reconciliation and the construction of peace in the country.


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How to Cite

Betancur-Giraldo, H., Monroy, . J. A., Pineda-Patrón, J. M. ., & Olivera-Paniagua, D. . (2021). Pedagogical experiences for historical memory and the construction of peace. Rethinking rural schools amid the Colombian armed conflict. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 19(02).

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