The company and the different forms of outsourced work in Colombia


  • Diego Enrique Cruz Mahecha Universidad Libre
  • José López-Oliva Profesor-investigador de la Universidad Libre - Bogotá
  • Juan Carlos Urriago-Fontal Rector y Docente Unidad Central del Valle, UCEVA
  • Hugo Armando Torres-Linares



outsourcing, business, labor relations, temporary services and de-employment.


The present work result of research aims to demonstrate that the so-called outsourced contracting, harms the rights of workers in Colombia. Companies, in the contemporary context, have created or promoted
various forms of work. Outsourced contracting with temporary service companies in Colombia is one of
the aforementioned forms. These companies were created with the purpose of contracting with third party
beneficiaries, to temporarily collaborate in the development of their activity. However, at the time of the execution of its corporate purpose, the purpose of the creation of the aforementioned companies is not really known. It is perceived, then, that the so-called labor outsourcing brings with it the violation of the principles and rights of workers. This, because the guarantees established by legal and constitutional mandate, are being ignored. It is pertinent to point out that the International Labor Organization (OIT), through the International Agreements ratified by Colombia, has made reference to the subject matter of this investigation, with the purpose of counteracting any form of labor outsourcing. The foregoing, to guarantee equal and dignified treatment to the company’s workers, who may be victims of this type of conduct or phenomenon. Thus, the Colombian State, in its model of social State of law and guarantor of
human rights, warns that any mechanism that harms people’s working conditions is prohibited. All because labor relations linked to labor law are within the structure of social and human rights. To demonstrate
what was initially stated, this research is based on the qualitative research approach, with an exploratory
scope. The method used was the critical and analogical hermeneutic.


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How to Cite

Cruz Mahecha, D. E. ., López-Oliva, J. ., Urriago-Fontal , J. C. ., & Torres-Linares, H. A. . (2023). The company and the different forms of outsourced work in Colombia. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 21(02-Julio-Dic.), 1-14.