Relationship between morality and normative production regarding the protection of human dignity and subsistence


  • Jorge Luis Restrepo Pimienta Universidad del Atlántico
  • Yamid Enrique Cotrina-Gulfo Corporación Universitaria Americana
  • Jorge Eduardo Missas-Gómez Universidad de Manizales



Human dignity, morals, power, law, subsistence


The juridical and moral relationship has constituted the elementary structures for the construction and
production of norms guaranteeing human dignity. Based on the above premise, we proceeded to analyze
the link between power, morality, and law proposed by Peces-Barba (1997) by delimiting problems in the political and legal spheres from a vision of inclusive positivism for the guarantee of human dignity. Law, power and morality express a triadic relationship in which power must be subordinated to what is
manifested in the normative production as an expression of morality taking into account social needs. The legitimate use of law must respect the minimum conditions of law. It is the responsibility of the control bodies to monitor and punish any act of abuse that goes against the values of freedom, equality, solidarity
, and security as set forth by Peces-Barba. The maximum purpose of the relationship expressed above is the
guarantee of human dignity, therefore the moral values and mechanisms of vigilance of the social control
agencies must be indispensable in democratic societies.

Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Missas-Gómez , Universidad de Manizales




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How to Cite

Restrepo Pimienta, J. L., Cotrina-Gulfo, Y. E. ., & Missas-Gómez , J. E. . (2023). Relationship between morality and normative production regarding the protection of human dignity and subsistence. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 21(02-Julio-Dic.), 1-11.