Success factors: case NPO Barranquilla
Non-Profit Organizations, success factors, competitiveness, business sustainabilityAbstract
The NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) are complex systems whose capabilities allows them to participate in competitive scenarios and even in scenarios in which contain profit entities. However, this requires a model of organizational management strategy based on the creation, implementation and evaluation of skills and competencies and whose purpose is to interpret the needs of the environment and meet goals and objectives. This research aims to analyze how are settled ESALs in Barranquilla against the background of the demand of the city, under the scenario of competitiveness, taking as its starting point the schemes success factors. Methodologically an implementation based on the financial results of companies in the city and a deliberate survey of more reconocidasl ESALs of a city is used. The results show as the ESALs adapt to the political cycle and do not generate clear competitive options.References
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