
  • Javier Gomez Diaz Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca
  • Alejandro García Garnica
  • Gustavo Curiel Aviles



Coopetencia, competitive advantages


Businesses are developed in highly dynamic environments, so companies seek access to resources that allow them to cope with variations. One of these strategies is cooperation in which companies cooperate and compete towards a common goal. In the cooperative, companies that compete and cooperate looking for a common goal. Through sharing (cooperation) the resources create value, the appropriation of this value is derived from the various interests (competition) of the companies, catches the value created for their purposes.


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2018-04-12 — Updated on 2020-08-14


How to Cite

Gomez Diaz, J., García Garnica, A., & Curiel Aviles, G. (2020). COOPETENCIA, INTERACTION OF TWO ANTAGONIST RELATIONS. Dimensión Empresarial, 17(1), 130-137. (Original work published April 12, 2018)

