Temporal self-determination of teachers: practices of re-existence and resistance to the control and functionality of time


  • Óscar Julián Cuesta-Moreno Profesor Facultad de Educación Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Paola andrea Benavidez-Gómez Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano




Resistance, Re-existence, Autonomy, Teaching, Freedom, Time


The findings of an investigation that characterized the practices that teachers implement to counteract
the control over their time and manage to resist the coercion carried out by the policies of evaluation and
quality of contemporary education are exposed. A non-probabilistic survey was carried out applying a self-completed questionnaire by teachers from the city of Bogotá. It was possible to identify that teachers find a joyous display in the teaching practice, but that the search for quality, understood as effectiveness and efficiency demonstrated in evidence, makes their work have a bureaucratic dimension that was not so dense a few decades ago. Teachers resist and re-exist from the autonomy of time as a display of freedom, trying to display the joy that teaching produces.


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How to Cite

Cuesta-Moreno, Óscar J. ., & Benavidez-Gómez, P. A. (2023). Temporal self-determination of teachers: practices of re-existence and resistance to the control and functionality of time. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 21(02-Julio-Dic.), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.15665/encuen.v22i02-Julio-Dic.3120