Face-to-face modality students' perceptions on online accounting learning: an analysis using SEM


  • Nataly Marcela Muñoz-Murcia Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • David Andrés Camargo-Mayorga Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Jennifer Lorena Gómez-Contreras Universidad Militar Nueva Granada




Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje; didáctica; ordenador; satisfacción; educación contable.


This paper aims to analyze the perceptions that the students of the face-to-face Public Accounting program of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada in Bogotá hold about their learning and their satisfaction with using virtual learning environments. To that end, a sample of 106 students who had taken financial accounting courses was used. The variables selected for the analysis were 77 observable variables, four endogenous latent variables (satisfaction, student-student relationship, and professor-student relationship in two dimensions), and one exogenous latent variable (perceived learning). The modeling was done using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Per our findings, the professor-student interaction in its two dimensions positively affects both perceived learning and student satisfaction, which does not occur with the student-student relationship. The main conclusion is that professor’s actions in virtual learning improve learning, but collaboration between students exerts no effect on their perceived learning.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Murcia, N. M., Camargo-Mayorga, D. A., & Gómez-Contreras, J. L. (2022). Face-to-face modality students’ perceptions on online accounting learning: an analysis using SEM. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 20(01- Enero-Junio-), 118-134. https://doi.org/10.15665/encuen.v20i01.2808