This is an outdated version published on 2020-10-30. Read the most recent version.

Obligations of the states regarding economic, social and cultural rights in the universal human rights system


  • Jorge Restrepo Pimienta UNIVERSIDAD DEL ATLÁNTICO
  • Yamid Enrique Cotrina Gulfo Universidad del Atlántico
  • Alfredo Daza Suárez Universidad Popular del Cesar



Social Rights, Human Rights, United Nations, ECOSOC, International obligations


The purpose of this research is to analyze the obligations of States in the field of social rights in the universal human rights system, considering the observations of the Economic and Social Council - Ecosoc. In this way, it confirms the hypothesis related to the fragility of international conditions in the field of social rights, which implies that States have a lesser degree of imperative to comply with them in comparison with the case of civil and political rights. This has generated dynamics that imply less enforceability of social rights given the problems involved in their justiciability, strengthening the margin of appreciation by the States.

Author Biographies


Abogado, Especialista en Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, Magister en Derecho y PhD en Derecho. Docente de Carrera, Universidad del Atlántico, Área Laboral y Seguridad Social.

Yamid Enrique Cotrina Gulfo, Universidad del Atlántico

Lawyer (Universidad del Atlántico), Máster en Advance Studies in Human Rights (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Máster en Constitutional Law (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid).

Alfredo Daza Suárez, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Economista Agrícola, Especialista en Finanzas, Magister en Educación y Doctor en Educación. Docente de Carrera Universidad Popular del Cesar.


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2020-10-29 — Updated on 2020-10-30


How to Cite

Restrepo Pimienta, J., Cotrina Gulfo, Y. E., & Daza Suárez, A. (2020). Obligations of the states regarding economic, social and cultural rights in the universal human rights system. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 18(02), 164-173. (Original work published October 29, 2020)