Multimedia: didactic resource for special education
This research studies the development of a teaching multimedia source for disabled people which is focused on students who use tangible sources. As they are static, they don’t encourage the interest in learning new knowledge. The methodology is based on the Educational Software Engineering with a two-stage life cycle: definition and development. At the beginning, requirements, analysis, initial design and scope with the software are defined. Subsequently, the product is developed, implemented, assessed, and displayed using a model based on usefulness, pedagogical / teaching and technical criteria where teachers and students participate. It is seen that the teaching multimedia resources for basic especial education are essential as an educational tool, since it allows to improve the learning process of students with disabilities.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Marcelo Balseca, Osmany Pérez Barral, Liliana del Rocío Mena Hernández, Bolívar Leonardo Ayavaca Vallejo
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