Variables of repetition and procrastination in students of Logic and algorithms I and II at the University/Variables generadoras de la repitencia y procrastrinación en estudiantes de Lógica y algoritmos I y II en la Universidad de la Amazonia




The objective of this work is to identify the main variables that generate difficulties in the learning of undergraduate students in Logic and Algorithms I and II in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Amazonia. The research was carried out through a case study approach and a descriptive analysis of the presented situation, evaluating the competences of autonomous learning through surveys. In this sense, in developing the work, a diagnosis was established to generate strategies and take action on the part
of the academic directives

Key words: repetition; autonomous learning competences; educational development competences.


Author Biography

Edwin Eduardo Millán Rojas, Universidad de la Amazonia

Facultad de Ingeniería, Docente Asociado


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How to Cite

Sánchez Lopera, S. A., Claros Moreno, F. C., & Millán Rojas, E. E. (2019). Variables of repetition and procrastination in students of Logic and algorithms I and II at the University/Variables generadoras de la repitencia y procrastrinación en estudiantes de Lógica y algoritmos I y II en la Universidad de la Amazonia. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 17(02).

