Conceptual and constitutional construction of social security in health and right to health/Constructo conceptual y constitucional de la seguridad social en salud y derecho a la salud


  • Jorge Luis Restrepo Pimienta Universidad del Atlántico



This scientific paper is the result of a qualitative research process, documentary, which addressed different variables in terms of legal anthropological dimension of public policy on health, including health, disease, welfare benefits and social security system in health, it involves addressing health and study as to its concept and so does the way the Constitutional Court explains, issuing its assessment of the social security system in health and right to health in the context of safeguarding the constitution, guaranteeing and protecting the health in a Democratic state, pluralist and progressive. To enter the dynamics of writing was initiated by the epistemis the concept, health, social background and then the Constitutional Court in splendor in their assessments of the legal and judicial but holding her scientific doctrine that allows foundational guidelines and illustrations in their judgments care, development or building case law and constitutional doctrine. That is why when he meets the Constitutional Court with legal significance, conceptual and instrumental social security about health and right to health is which of the two is greater or has primary key structural support.

Keywords: health, social health, system, fundamental right, guardianship.


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Sentencia No. T-484 de 11 de Agosto de 1992).

Sentencia T-406 del 5 de junio de 1992

Sentencia T-426 del 24 de junio de 1992

Sentencia T-571 del 26 de octubre de 1992

Sentencia T-597 del 15 de diciembre de 1993

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How to Cite

Restrepo Pimienta, J. L. (2018). Conceptual and constitutional construction of social security in health and right to health/Constructo conceptual y constitucional de la seguridad social en salud y derecho a la salud. Encuentros, 17(01).


