Identity configuration in the narrative of the lived body/Configuración de identidad en la narrativa del cuerpo vivido


  • Guillermo Alberto Freydell Montoya



The identity configuration is one of the aspects that allows the subject to be characterized in order to demonstrate the training processes that take place. Narrative and lived body could offer elements, both in the configuration of the identity of the subject, as formative possibilities that expand the domains of meaning and action. The research article establishes a dialogue between Merleau Ponty, from lived body, and Ricoeur, from narrative, in the configuration of identity. The analysis of the information, from the analogical hermeneutics, throws concordances between both authors in temporality, schematism, stories or words in the nascent state, and life as text. Narrating the lived body is a way of understanding the lived experiences that helps to shape the identity of the subject as an open and continuous project of formation.

 Keywords: Merleau-Ponty, Ricoeur, lived body, narrative, and identity

Author Biography

Guillermo Alberto Freydell Montoya

Guillermo Alberto Freydell Montoya, con nacionalidad colombiana y quien presenta la siguiente formación académica: Ingeniero Mecánico de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Medellín-Colombia. Psicólogo de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD Bogotá-Colombia, Máster Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad   de los Andes Bogotá-Colombia. Doctorando en Bioética de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Bogotá-Colombia. Este artículo de reflexión forma parte del desarrollo de la tesis doctoral, “Cuerpo Vivido” y procesos deliberativos bioéticos en espectadores del acoso escolar: una propuesta metodológica de intervención. Investigación inscrita al grupo Humanitas de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Bogotá-Colombia. Acta No. 20 del 21/11/2016. Código No. EHUINV-DB-4-10000101-16. ORCID: 0000-0001-5938-1205. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Freydell Montoya, G. A. (2018). Identity configuration in the narrative of the lived body/Configuración de identidad en la narrativa del cuerpo vivido. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 17(01).

