The incorporated cultural capital and its relationship with the academic performance of the students of the Atlántico university sociology program




Capital Cultural, Capital Cultural Incorporado, Rendimiento Académico, Contexto Socio-cultural, Estrato Socioeconómico.


The study of the incorporated cultural capital and its relation with the academic performance of the students of the program of sociology of the university of the Atlantic, by its nature corresponds to a situational case study, and a descriptive - interpretative approach on the intrinsic reality, although it seems not to be relevant, becomes an important element that brought us closer to understanding the process of formation of learners. From the above, we sought to know the conditions of university students, their context, way of life and Cultural Capital, as well as to identify and analyze the relationship between their real scenario and their academic performance. Methodologically, in the research work, it was made conscious use of techniques and instruments such as directed observation, open interview, mixed survey, content analysis, and in the analysis and interpretation of data, triangulation was introduced as a facilitator of information processing. In conceptual terms, the study is based on the theory of Cultural Capital, Pire Bourdieu, and the contributions of Karl Marx, Vygotsky.

Author Biography

Manuel Antonio Pérez-Herrera, Universidad del Atlántico

Manuel Antonio Pérez Herrera

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación

Profesor Investigador.

Tiempo Completo

Universidad del Atlántico


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How to Cite

Pérez-Herrera, M. A., Jiménez-Pérez , N. J. . . . ., & De la Hoz-Vallejo, . M. . . . . . . . (2022). The incorporated cultural capital and its relationship with the academic performance of the students of the Atlántico university sociology program. Encuentros, 20(01- Enero-Junio-), 54-67.