Incident variables in the new bets of rural tourism


  • Rafael García Luna
  • Oscar Ospino-Ayala Universidad del Magdalena



The objective of this article is to identify potential incident factors for the development of alternative and innovative projects in the rural areas of Santa Marta (Magdalena-Colombia); The proposed methodology consists of a multicriteria hierarchical analysis, accompanied by a geospatial and multivariate statistical analysis that allows identifying and validating a set of aspects defined in previous models, which were reviewed by experts. The application of the method allowed establishing that aspects such as the valuation of the natural and historical characteristics of the territory, the ease of transportation, the variety of activities, the formation of human capital, security and sustainability, are essential to define new and innovative alternatives for rural tourist activities for Santa Marta.


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How to Cite

García Luna, R., & Ospino-Ayala, O. (2020). Incident variables in the new bets of rural tourism. Dimensión Empresarial, 18(4).

