Outsourcing and employment. The case of state universities in Chile
Organizationa, Outsourcing, state university, university governance, tender, people managementAbstract
It seeks to describe the phenomenon of "outsourcing" and employment in Chilean state universities, to guide their respective processes. The tenders for subcontracted activities (97 cases) are analyzed, being able to determine the percentage level assigned to the evaluation criteria in public tenders, especially the criterion "conditions of employment and remuneration", related to the working conditions of the workers of said subcontracted companies. A statistical-descriptive analysis was carried out, applying logistic regression, to find cause-effect variables; it was established that the variables "profit margin" and "accreditation" positively impact the factor "employment and working conditions"; On the other hand, the "size" factor, expressed as "enrollment", negatively affects said criterion, these three variables being significant.
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