Succession, performance and management capacity in family companies
Family business, succession, performance, managerial capacity, ChileAbstract
This study analyzes the perceptions of the owners and/or managers of family businesses in the Ñuble territory of Chile, according to the dimensions of succession, performance and managerial capacity. Methodologically, hierarchical conglomerate analysis was used, obtaining a Cronbach alpha of 0.789. Three generations stand out: first (47.6%), second (38.1%) and third (14.3%), where the managerial capacity is determinant in the sustainability. There are problems in the succession for lack of planning of the process and the potential successors do not wish to continue with the company given their interests and levels of professionalization. Future performance is related to emotional capital and the degree of innovation.
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- 2020-08-19 (2)
- 2019-03-01 (1)
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