The impact of the autonomous, connected and shared vehicle: from the traditional automotive industry to the new mobility value chain
Value chain, Automotive industry, New mobility, Autonomous and connected vehicle, Shared vehicleAbstract
The article analyses the impact of the autonomous, connected, and shared vehicle in the value chain of the automotive industry. Through the case study of four companies, it is shown that the value chain focuses on the services associated with autonomous driving and connectivity instead on the product (vehicle). In this context, companies linked to new mobility have positioned themselves at the first levels of supply, participate in activities with the highest added value and develop most of the technological innovation within the chain. These companies have acquired high decision-making power, even over car manufacturers. Regarding the implications, based on the obtained results, it is derived that governments should promote the implementation of companies with technologies linked to the new mobility since it reverts to an improvement in the technological level, higher income, and quality jobs in the country.
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