Vertical Reintegration of the Value Chain in the Electric Mobility Industry: Innovation and Investment in Critical Components, Mining and Geostrategy


  • Javier Turienzo Riveiro Universidad de Vigo
  • Pablo Cabanelas University of Vigo
  • Jesús F. Lampón University of Vigo
  • Roberto Chico-Tato University of Vigo



Value Chain, Automotive Industry, Electric Vehicle, Minerals, Batteries


The article analyzes the implications of the mobility integration of the electrified vehicle and the consequent impact on the global value chain. Through the Follow the Money technique, the change in the trend of value chains towards the vertical reintegration of processes for obtaining raw materials by manufacturers is revealed. In this context, companies linked to obtaining essential raw materials and recycling components are positioning themselves at higher levels of the value chain. At the same time, these companies are being purchased by the main manufacturers to retain control over the supply of components, technological innovation and decision-making power. The results obtained reveal the importance of government support for companies associated with sustainable mining, innovation and electrification of vehicles, since they constitute a tractor effect of industry and wealth.


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How to Cite

Turienzo Riveiro, J., Cabanelas, P., Lampón, J. F., & Chico-Tato, R. . (2022). Vertical Reintegration of the Value Chain in the Electric Mobility Industry: Innovation and Investment in Critical Components, Mining and Geostrategy. Dimensión Empresarial, 20(3), 89-105.

