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Determining factors in the use of instagram for consumption intention




Social networks are proving to be a strategic instrument of competitive advantage. The study aims to analyze the influence between the frequency of use, the perceived utility and the ease of use of Instagram in relation to the consumer's intention to buy. An online survey was conducted with 262 users. The data were interpreted using exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression to determine the relationship between the respective factors. The results showed that the frequency of use, the perceived utility and the ease of use have a positive effect on the intention to buy through Instagram.

Author Biographies

César Ricardo Maia de Vasconcelos, Potiguar University (UnP)

PhD in Administration – Université Pierre Mendes-France – Grenoble II - Host institution: Potiguar University (UnP), Postgraduate Program in Management


Master in Business Administration from Potiguar University. Relationship Manager at Banco do Brasil SA. in Rio Grande do Norte.


Master in Business Administration from Potiguar University (UnP). Credit Center Manager (credit statement) at Banco do Nordeste do Brasil.

LUIZ ANTONIO FELIX JÚNIOR, Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL)

Master in Accounting Sciences from the Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGCON / UFPE); PhD student Doctorate in Business Administration from Potiguar University (PPGA / UnP); Professor at the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL)


Master in Business Administration from Potiguar University; PhD student in Business Administration from Potiguar University (UnP); Manager of the Senac Educational Center - Barreira Roxa School Hotel in Rio Grande do Norte.


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2020-08-05 — Updated on 2020-09-10


How to Cite

Vasconcelos, C. R. M. de, MEDEIROS, A. M. D., BARACHO EDUARDO , ÊNIO V., FELIX JÚNIOR, L. A., & MONTENEGRO, C. B. (2020). Determining factors in the use of instagram for consumption intention. Dimensión Empresarial, 18(3). (Original work published August 5, 2020)




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