Demographic characterization of informal caretakers of ancient with ictus and dementias in Santiago de Cuba


  • Larissa Beatriz Turtós Carbonell
  • Yailén Rodríguez Rosa
  • Yanetsy Rodríguez Abreu
  • Erislandy Omar Martínez



Cuidador, Cuidador informal, Demencia, Ictus, Características demográfica


The present research was implemented for to obtain a demographic characterization of a population of informal caretaker of ancients with ictus and dementia, and to identify the statistical relationship among demographics characteristics and disease associated with the caretaker job. Was executed a descriptive study with the participation of 237 caretaker. Was applied a Questionnaire for to obtain the necessary information. The data analysis involved descriptive and correlational statistical test. The 71% of caretakers was woman and 28.3% man. The middle age was 49.83 years old, and the middle time of caretaker´s dedication was 42.86 month. The 49.4% of caretakers are son, wife or husband of the patient, thus the 50.6% have other link. The 53.2% is caretaker all the time, and the 46.7% only in part time.

Keywords: Caretakers, Informal caretakers, Dementia, Ictus, Demographic characterization



How to Cite

Turtós Carbonell, L. B., Rodríguez Rosa, Y., Rodríguez Abreu, Y., & Omar Martínez, E. (2016). Demographic characterization of informal caretakers of ancient with ictus and dementias in Santiago de Cuba. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 14(2).