Reliability and validity of an instrument that measures electronic harassmentia


  • Cruz García Lirios UAEM-UAP, Huehuetoca
  • Jorge Hernández Valdés
  • María de Vianey Peralta Buendía
  • José Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes
  • María de Lourdes Morales Flores



tecnología, redes sociales, percepción, acoso, modelo


Cyberbullying has been considered as a problem of increasing dimensions in social networks because users supposed harassment by their contacts. In this sense, we conducted an exploratory study to test [X2 = 80.286 (36df) p = 0.000, GFI = 1.000, RMR = 0.000] ratios specified model from the review of five and fifteen research theories state knowledge with respect to the observed data. A nonrandom selection of 245 students at a public university in the State of Mexico was conducted to establish the normal distribution, reliability, validity, correlation, covariance structure and set of instruments that measured seven perceptual variables as determinants of cyberbullying. The results show that the interplay between perceptual variables made it possible to determine cyberbullying perceived control (β = 0.67).

Keywords; technology, social networking, perception, harassment, model.


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How to Cite

García Lirios, C., Hernández Valdés, J., Peralta Buendía, M. de V., Aguilar Fuentes, J. A., & Morales Flores, M. de L. (2016). Reliability and validity of an instrument that measures electronic harassmentia. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 14(1).