Comments and reflections about the article “The downfall of public television in Spain before its audience: Five years in decline (2010-2015)”




The following text presents various comments and personal reflections about the article written by our colleague and compatriot N. Quintas-Froufe in mid-2016, a document which was published in the prestigious colombian journal Palabra Clave in January 2018. As a Spanish researcher and connoisseur of the television field of my country, I would like to make some concise assessments about the content of the aforementioned scientific text; concluding that the decline of Spanish public television is a trend that began in the late twentieth century, with the appearance of private television, and increased with new forms of information consumption.

Author Biography

Pedro Vázquez-Miraz, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento. Profesor a tiempo completo del programa de Psicología




How to Cite

Vázquez-Miraz, P. (2020). Comments and reflections about the article “The downfall of public television in Spain before its audience: Five years in decline (2010-2015)”. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 18(01).

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