Poverty and the Poor Approach to mythical Mapuche narrative texts for an intercultural dialogue on development/La Pobreza y el Pobre. Acercamiento a textos míticos narrativos mapuche para un diálogo intercultural sobre el desarrollo





The article shows an investigation, from a religious scientific approach- based on the mythical religious paradigm and the narrative hermeneutics, of a qualitative and phenomenological nature- of mythical and chronic narrative texts to investigate a vision of poverty and the poor in the Mapuche people, in Chile. The purpose of the research was to identify the figure of the poor in mythical stories and in other stories of the Mapuche traditional narrative as well as in current chronicles that allow us an understanding of what poverty is for the Mapuche world. To later compare that understanding with current social critical
reflection on poverty and poors in order to find confluences and differences in favor of a reflective and pro-active intercultural dialogue that incorporates the mythical religious dimension into the understanding in Chile of poverty and the poor. However, results, around the reinforcement of concepts such as friendship, dignity, recognition, wealth, solidarity, family and society among others as well as the visibility of the spiritual religious dimension as part of the understanding of this social phenomenon,
criticize and enriches , from an interdisciplinary point of view, the vision on the current development from Chile.
Keywords: Poverty, Interculturality, Mapuche, Values, Religion

Author Biography

Francisco Javier Villar Olaeta, UC Temuco


Profesor Asociado

Dpto de Sociología y Ciencia Política

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

UC Temuco


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How to Cite

Villar Olaeta, F. J. (2019). Poverty and the Poor Approach to mythical Mapuche narrative texts for an intercultural dialogue on development/La Pobreza y el Pobre. Acercamiento a textos míticos narrativos mapuche para un diálogo intercultural sobre el desarrollo. REVISTA ENCUENTROS, 17(01). https://doi.org/10.15665/encuent.v17i01.1808

