Strategic Behaviour In Small Technology-Based Companies


  • Marcelo Seido Nagano University of São Paulo
  • Tiago Fernando Musetti University of São Paulo, São Carlos School of Engineering
  • Alceu Gomes Alves Filho Federal University of São Carlos
  • Ana Lúcia Vitale Torkomian Federal University of São Carlos


Dynamic Capabilities, Organizational Resources, External Environment, Micro and Small technology-based Companies


This work aims to contribute to the literature on strategic management in micro and small technology-based companies, by identifying the main characteristics of strategic behavior. The research method used was qualitative, which was based on case studies. Research indicates which strategic behavior in micro and small technology-based companies covers the definition of competitive and innovation strategies and allocation of organizational resources in order to innovate and to develop dynamic capabilities, by detecting changes in the external environment, by seizing, and by reconfiguring resources in order to help these companies to adapt to market demands and to obtain competitive advantages.


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Como Citar

Nagano, M. S., Musetti, T. F., Alves Filho, A. G., & Torkomian, A. L. V. (2021). Strategic Behaviour In Small Technology-Based Companies. Dimensión Empresarial, 19(2). Obtido de

