CSR of the University of Tolima with respect to stakeholder “suppliers”


  • Mario Enrique Uribe Macías
  • Daniel Felipe Orjuela Ramírez
  • Xiomara Moreno Barragán



Palabras clave:

social responsibility, stakeholders, suppliers, environmental performance, social behavior


The aim of the article is to present the results of the stakeholder consultation and analysis suppliers, as part of the research project “Proposal of the management model of university social responsibility to the University of Tolima”. This is a descriptive research and proactive type, which used a sample of 297 suppliers were consulted through a survey whose results are presented using factor analysis. The main results show the importance that the provider assigned to the variables related to contractual obligations; also it found that the environmental policies of the University do not influence on suppliers; and finally the University of Tolima has incorporated some social responsibility related to vendor selection parameters.


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Cómo citar

Uribe Macías, M. E., Orjuela Ramírez, D. F., & Moreno Barragán, X. (2016). CSR of the University of Tolima with respect to stakeholder “suppliers”. Dimensión Empresarial, 14(2), 115-128. https://doi.org/10.15665/rde.v14i2.458

