Budgetary deficit and inflation: case The Pacific Alliance


  • Orminso Varón Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Hector Fabio Rios Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Nelson Manolo Chávez Universidad La Gran Colombia




Fiscal policy, budgetary deficit, inflation.


The economic global and regional crises have been occurring with greater frequency and duration, leading to economic policy makers see the need to finance budget deficits not only through internal and external financing, but through the issuance primary money, putting at risk inflation.  The methodology used was the estimation of an econometric model with standardized variables for each of the four countries and finally a pooled data model was estimated. It can be concluded according to the results of the models estimated that the ways to finance the fiscal deficit in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru have no effect on inflation levels.


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How to Cite

Varón, O., Rios, H. F., & Chávez, N. M. (2017). Budgetary deficit and inflation: case The Pacific Alliance. Dimensión Empresarial, 16(1), 135-146. https://doi.org/10.15665/dem.v16i1.1899

