Multinational Companies that Grew in a Changing Economic and Institutional Environment: Case Studies During the Neo-Populism in Argentina (2002-2012)


  • Federico Daniel Naspleda Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) – Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de La Plata (IdHICS)



Nonmarket and Market strategies, neo-populism, Argentina industry


The purpose of this work is to contribute to research regarding the strategies of multinational enterprises in the context of the withdrawal of neoliberalism and the establishment of neo-populism –based on greater industrial protection, nationalism, and salary rise. Important MNEs find ways of expanding their production and enlarging their participation in the Argentine market. MNEs spread to the point that they became oligopolistic in changing institutional contexts and contexts with an unstable economic growth. The originality of this work lies in achieving a multidimensional approach of the nonmarket strategies (NMS) and market strategies (MS), taking into account the local-regional-worldwide dynamics.


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How to Cite

Naspleda, F. D. (2022). Multinational Companies that Grew in a Changing Economic and Institutional Environment: Case Studies During the Neo-Populism in Argentina (2002-2012). Dimensión Empresarial, 20(3), 63-88.

