Organizational culture and business success: SIIGO case


  • Julio Cesar Acosta-Prado Universidad del Pacífico
  • Oscar Hernan López Montoya Universidad del Tolima
  • Jordan Hernandez Villegas Universidad del Tolima



This business case describes the organizational culture of the SIIGO company, which explains the consolidation of its business success. For this, systematic information search techniques in the company databases were applied, as well as participant observation. Also, unstructured interviews were carried out at the top, middle, and base levels. The results show that there are elements of SIIGO's organizational culture, oriented to the development of internal and external competences, mainly responsible for the success of the company.


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2020-08-16 — Updated on 2020-09-10


How to Cite

Acosta-Prado, J. C., López Montoya, O. H., & Hernandez Villegas, J. (2020). Organizational culture and business success: SIIGO case. Dimensión Empresarial, 18(3). (Original work published August 16, 2020)

