Regional Development And Vision Of Future Of Boyacá’s Industrial Corridor*
Industrial Corridor of Boyacá, Territorial foresight, Regional development, Vision of the futureAbstract
This article is the result of a research project: A Foresight Analisys of a Region for Economic Planning -- Boyacá’s
Industrial Corridor Towards 2019.The theoretical foundations of the project were based on Territorial Foresight. The
methodology was designed considering the following aspects: (1) Current situation of the region within a Global,
National and Regional context; (2) Identification of world trends and technology affecting the region and its productive
sectors; (3) Identification of key factors that characterize the region; (4) Prioritization of strategic variables and
understanding of the territorial development system. Based on these aspects, four alternate scenarios of possible
futures (futuribles) which could take place in the region were constructed. Likewise the most likely scenario “bet
scenario” was proposed which was called “Competitive Region - World Integrated”. It comes with seven strategies
for its concretion from the present time. The study becomes even more important since the region has received
funds coming from the National Government as well as from foreign investment interested in strategic projects.
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