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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This is an unpublished article is, say, the shipment has not been previously published or is under consideration by any other journal (or has provided an explanation in the comments to the editor / a).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • Articles should be written in word processor, in Times New Roman 12 point to 1.5 space, using 3.5 cm margins. in each of the sides of the sheet and extending no more than 35 pages. articles in Spanish, English and French will be received.
  • Articles submitted to the journal Juris Justice, in addition to complying with the reporting format must address themes relating to the science of law or legal or socio-legal research, Political Sciences and refer to an issue or problem of public interest and contain following data:

    5.1 TITLE OF THE ARTICLE: it must contain no more than 15 words should be short, specific and informative, clearly stating the matter in question to the article, should be centered, bold, capitalized Times New Roman 12 pt.
    5.2 • AUTHOR (A) O AUTHORS: in this space you must indicate the name of the author (a) or authors, the highest academic level, the position and / or institutional affiliation, and email address.
    5.3.SUMMARY: In this field which should be concise, synthesized with a maximum of 200 words in Times New Roman 10-point article content. The abstract should be written in the same language was introduced the article and in English. It is a short but comprehensive presentation of the article
    5.4.KEYWORDS: must be indicated in alphabetical order keywords to facilitate indexing the article in a minimum of five and maximum of seven.
    5.5.ABSTRACT: This is the literal English translation of the abstract in italics, Times New Roman 10 point
    5.6.KEY WORDS: Up to seven key words in English alphabetical order.
    • In the case of articles research results, contain an introduction that refers to the problem, justification, objectives, study methods, results, conclusions and references. The wording of the work will be objective and impersonal. The author will take care that the form conforms to the rules for submission, correction in the use of language and terminology accepted by scientific bodies.
    5.7. References: This is the list in alphabetical order of the data identifying the sources cited and / or used in the article, are located at the end of it and should contain all information necessary to facilitate the location of the documents cited in the text. Information should be accurate, as they appear in the original document

  • The article is the result of research, therefore it contains an introduction that refers to the problem, justification, objectives, study methods, results, conclusions and references. The wording of the work will be objective and impersonal. The author will take care that the form conforms to the rules for submission, correction in the use of language and terminology accepted by scientific bodies.
    The author attached to his work a summary of your resume, containing at least the following:
    Full name, postal address and email, academic background, institutional affiliation, publications in the last two years (if any) and whether or not belong to a research group. In this case, it indicates the name of the group and the research in which they work, name of the research project which derives the item shipped.

  • The text format meets the conditions included in guidelines for the author / a, in About the Journal.

  • In the case of sending the text to the peer review section, the instructions in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation followed.

Author Guidelines

Juris Justice Magazine is a publication of half-yearly, it is the organ of disclosure of the Faculty of Law Law--Program of the Autonomous University of the Caribbean. It aims to serve as a means of dissemination of intellectual production and research developments in the field of legal science occurs in this institution, as well as other related institutions with legal science. The following are the requirements that must be taken into account for articles in the Journal postulates Juris Justice.


1. The journal accepts original works, ie, that have not been previously published in any other printed, electronic or digital media and are not being simultaneously considered in some other way.


Items must be loaded by OJS platform, according to the link: copy must be sent to the editor of the Journal email: I, along with a letter addressed to include: full title, full names of the authors of the study, academic degrees and affiliation. The letter must give proof of the originality of the work and uniqueness of referral to the magazine juris justice also you must authorize the magazine to put the work into consideration the arbitrators appointed by the Editorial Committee and the authors must sign the letter. It is recommended that article two possible referees specialists in the subject thereof, external to where the research was conducted including: name, maximum training, affiliation and email.


2. Articles should be written in word processor, in Times New Roman 12 point to 1.5 space, using 3.5 cm margins. in each of the sides of the sheet and extending no more than 35 pages. articles in Spanish, English and French will be received.


Citation for text and reference list the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) must be followed


In each journal, the maximum number of articles by the same author to be published is two.

3. Articles submitted to the journal Juris Justice, in addition to complying with the reporting format must address themes relating to the science of law or legal or socio-legal research and refer to an issue or problem of public interest and contain following data:

• TITLE OF THE ARTICLE: it must contain no more than 15 words should be short, specific and informative, clearly stating the matter in question to the article, should be centered, bold, capitalized Times New Roman 12 pt.

• AUTHOR (A) O AUTHORS: in this space you must indicate the name of the author (a) or authors, the highest academic level, the position and / or institutional affiliation, and email address.

• SUMMARY: In this field which should be concise, synthesized with a maximum of 200 words in Times New Roman 10-point article content. The abstract should be written in the same language was introduced the article and in English. It is a short but comprehensive presentation of the article

• KEYWORDS: must be indicated in alphabetical order keywords to facilitate indexing the article in a minimum of five and maximum of seven.

• ABSTRACT: This is the literal English translation of the abstract in italics, Times New Roman 10 point

• KEY WORDS: Up to seven key words in English alphabetical order.

• In the case of articles research results, contain an introduction that refers to the problem, justification, objectives, study methods, results, conclusions and references. The wording of the work will be objective and impersonal. The author will take care that the form conforms to the rules for submission, correction in the use of language and terminology accepted by scientific bodies.

• References: This is the list in alphabetical order of the data identifying the sources cited and / or used in the article, are located at the end of it and should contain all information necessary to facilitate the location of the documents cited in the text. Information should be accurate, as they appear in the original document


4. There is preference for items that correspond to the following types indicated by the National Bibliographical Index Publindex:

Article of scientific and technological research. Document presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection article. Document that presents finished research results from an analytical perspective, interpretative or critical of the author, on a specific subject, resorting to original sources.

Review article. Document result of a finished research where it is analyzed, systematized and integrated research results published or unpublished, on a field of science or technology, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative Documents published in the journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Board constitute an important discussion of the subject by the scientific community of reference.

Editorial. Written document by the editor, a member of the editorial committee or a guest researcher on orientations in the subject domain of the magazine.

Translation. Translations of classical texts or current or historical or transcripts of particular interest in the domain of magazine publishing documents.

Discussion paper not derived from research.

• Each author is responsible for obtaining permits and rights to attach materials or illustrations from other sources.

• The opinions expressed in articles published in this journal are the sole responsibility of the authors.


5. Acceptance of the article for publication implies the transfer of rights of reproduction and dissemination by any means, to the Autonomous University of the Caribbean. Also each author must yield expressly all the property rights under Article for the Journal Justice Juris Faculty of Law at the Autonomous University of the Caribbean, also stating that the article is original and its exclusive creation, this is performed by the processing of the letter of assignment of the economic rights.


6. The author should attach to their work a summary of your resume, containing at least the following: Full name, postal address and email, academic background, institutional affiliation, publications in the last two years (if the It has) and whether or not belong to a research group. In this case, it indicates the name of the group and the research in which they work, name of the research project which derives the item shipped.

Ethics norms

The importance of scientific publications and their impact on the academic and industrial environment as well as in the academic growth of teachers and researchers, has led in many cases lack of ethics in these publications. Scientific journals should ensure a process of acceptance, editing and publishing with the ethical guidelines of the different actors involved in these editorial processes.

The Autonomous University of the Caribbean, undertakes to comply with ethical standards in its publications, promoting a culture that allows action respect for the work of others and good practices in this work.

Policies provided herein are based on ethics in international organizations such as COPE (Committee on Publications ethics) available on the website, the rules for authors, referees and editors set out in summary.


Privacy Statement

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge