waterfront transformation, interfaces areas, city port developmentResumo
Hamburg has had a major transformation at the urban level within the metropolitan region including the increase of people born and immigrants, and to ensure an adequate supply in the market for the growing number of households of one and two peoples and the demand for series of ages between 15 and 30 years that means young people, one must know how to manage public and private budgets. The most important idea is the new concept of urban development in Hamburg which is harnessing the potential of a growing metropolis and so since 2004 where start this forecast, plus the Territorial Vision Hamburg is based on key growth industries city to strengthen its role as an engine of economic dynamics. In Hamburg this development is carried out with a port where there starts all the transformation of assets in the city center. The future space requirements, technical infrastructure and new container terminals and the protection of the environment are a great and costly challenge for the entire city. And specifically beginning of the expansion the "String of Pearls" started in Elbe and Altona. They spent wars and events that the city faced to reach what it is today without neglecting its urban development for the entire benefit of the population.Referências
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