Best practices and process improvement. An application for the transfer and management of knowledge to the transportation of hydrocarbons in ECOPETROL


  • Julio César Acosta Prado
  • Jaime Andrés González Valencia


Palabras clave:

best practices, process improvement, knowledge management


Knowledge’s processes enrich the information bringing value to organizations. These formal or informal, processes increase the value of information and useful knowledge of people and organizations. Therefore, in order to identify good practices that promote the improvement of processes for the implementation of knowledge management in the area of transport hydrocarbon, this exploratory study it perform on ECOPETROL, Colombia's largest oil company. Due to its size, it belongs to 40 largest oil and gas companies in the world´s group and recognize as one of the four major in Latin American. The study target the workshops developed within the Operations and Maintenance teams using the methodology of the Knowledge Assurance Guide. The results show positive impacts identifying best practices that support process improvement in the tactical, strategic and operational levels.


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Cómo citar

Acosta Prado, J. C., & González Valencia, J. A. (2015). Best practices and process improvement. An application for the transfer and management of knowledge to the transportation of hydrocarbons in ECOPETROL. Dimensión Empresarial, 13(2), 33-54.




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