Impact of Absorptive Capacity and Ambidexterity on Innovation


  • Javier Fernando Del Carpio Gallegos Doctor
  • Francesc Miralles Profesor del Departamento de Empresa y Tecnología, Decano de FICED La Salle Universidad Ramon Llull. Barcelona – España.
  • Eduardo Javier Soria Gomez Universidad Esan


Palabras clave:

capacidad de absorción, ambidiestralidad, innovación tecnológica, manufactura


This study attempts to design an approach showing how absorptive capacity and ambidexterity are related to technological innovation in Peruvian manufacturing firms. A structural equation model is proposed. The sample is made up of 783 manufacturing firms. It was found that although Peruvian manufacturing firms invest little money in research and development, they are capable of developing dynamic capabilities, such as absorptive capacity and ambidexterity in order to better carry out technological innovation.


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Cómo citar

Del Carpio Gallegos, J. F., Miralles, F. ., & Soria Gomez, E. J. . (2021). Impact of Absorptive Capacity and Ambidexterity on Innovation. Dimensión Empresarial, 19(1), 42-63.

