Impact of crises on the administrative processes of Organizations


  • Jorge Eduardo Cervera Cárdenas +50766066907


Impact, Crisis, Organization


This issue of the Scientific Journal Dimension Business highlights the diversity of research in disciplines associated with Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences. The importance of understanding organizations, in their real dimension, becomes important in today's complex dynamics, but this became more evident in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic and later in times of economic crisis; therefore, the action of the decision-making process has an impact on the planning of organizations. The economic crisis generated by the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a turn in everything that pertains to daily life, in the way of living, working and in the vision that was held with respect to projects that were underway.

Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Cervera Cárdenas, +50766066907

Industrial Engineer, MBAi, with more than 20 years of experience and with theoretical-practical knowledge in production, layout, logistics, supply chain, administration, strategic planning, integrated management systems, operations analysis, methods and times, warehouse management , design and evaluation of processes and projects, and with more than 15 years of experience in university teaching in Faculties of Engineering and Administrative and Economic Sciences; in addition to extensive experience as a Business Consultant in Senior Management, Management and Execution of Investment Projects, and Strategic Control Systems. HSEQ Auditor Certified by Icontec. My purpose as a professional is to help companies identify the needs of their customers and thus increase their sales levels with innovative goods and/or services.


Cervera-Cárdenas, J.E. (2023). Impacto de las Crisis en los procesos administrativos de las Organizaciones. Revista Dimensión Empresarial, 21(1), IV-V edición enero-marzo.



How to Cite

Cervera Cardenas, J. E. (2024). Impact of crises on the administrative processes of Organizations. Dimensión Empresarial, 21(1). Retrieved from