Evaluation of sustainability using GRI methodology
Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Reporting Index, indicators, sustainability, sustainability development, sustainability reports.Abstract
The current article is the result of a research project made on 87 companies that reported their activities under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4, Colombian Chapter, between January 1 to December 31, 2015, with the purpose of describing their social, economic and environmental sustainability levels, taking into account the concept they had defined. To achieve the expected results a measuring scale was created, which catalogs companies into: Mature, Growing and Emerging, according to their performance, regardless of size or economic sector they belong to. The conclusions and arguments intend to explain why the Growing level is the most predominant in the Colombian industrial environment. Similarly, organizational implementation is suggested in order for major companies to reach managerial sustainability through a determined external agent after having performed the corresponding information analysis.References
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