Medical tourism in Cartagena: “supply and barriers”
medical tourism, medical services, development barriersAbstract
This article in research is the result of a study carried out in the sector of medical tourism in the city of Cartagena de Indias, in order to characterize and analyze the supply side. We used the model of the market for medical tourism proposed by Heung, Kucukusta and Song (2010) and a survey of institutions identified as exporters of health services by the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Cartagena. Is concludes that Cartagena stands out by the lower costs and the recognition of them procedures medical. However, the main barriers for the development of this activity are: the insufficient infrastructure health, the shortage of medical and nurses, the increase of the demand local of services of health and the little domain of language foreign that characterized to this sector
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- El turismo médico en Cartagena de Indias: “la oferta y barreras para su desarrollo (Español (España))
- El turismo médico en Cartagena: “oferta y barreras” (Español (España))
- Artículo de Turismo Médico en Cartagena (Español (España))
- El turismo médico en Cartagena: “oferta y barreras” (Español (España))
- Certificado de Originalidad y Cesión de Derechos (Español (España))
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