Entrepreneurship, Business Model and Design Thinking in Brazilian Small Enterprise


  • Elzo Alves Aranha Universidade Federal de Itajubá
  • Juliana Bárbara Silva Corrêa, Federal University of Itajuba
  • Antoun Charles El Mouallem Federal University of Itajuba




entrepreneurship, business model, design thinking, small business


The research objective is to examine entrepreneurship, business model (BM) and design thinking (DT) connected in an integrated way, aiming to foster innovation in established small enterprise. The research is exploratory and qualitative supported by a Brazilian small enterprise case study. The main findings indicate that analytical framework of entrepreneurship, BM and DT connected in an integrated way foster innovation in small enterprise.The findings are innovative because they help to broaden understanding of entrepreneurship, BM and DT connected in an integrated way in small enterprise to foster the innovation and fill the gap in the literature. The findings have practical implications for managers and owners of established companies, coordinators and managers of human resources, students and professors of undergraduate and graduate courses.



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How to Cite

Aranha, E. A., Corrêa, J. B. S. ., & Mouallem, A. C. E. . (2021). Entrepreneurship, Business Model and Design Thinking in Brazilian Small Enterprise. Dimensión Empresarial, 19(3). https://doi.org/10.15665/dem.v19i3.2799

