#yomevacuno: Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Campaign Against COVID-19
COVID-19, unsatisfied, satisfactory, health workers, vaccineAbstract
This study determines the satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors of health workers who actively participate in the Chilean vaccination process against COVID-19. The critical incident technique, qualitative methodology, is used to explore the situation of 10 health workers. The results indicate 11 satisfactory and 9 unsatisfactory factors. The most relevant satisfactory factors found are patient care, relationship with co-workers, salary and benefits, and environmental conditions. On the other hand, the most relevant unsatisfactory factors found are organizational aspects, balanced workload, patient care and environmental conditions.
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Otras referencias
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Chilereports (2021b). Chile becomes the world leader. Revisada: 16 abril 2021. Extraído desde: https://chilereports.cl/en/news/2021/03/10/Chile-becomes-the-world-leader
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Our world in Data (2021). Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations. Revisada: 16 abril 2021.Extraído desde: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations.
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