Factors Affecting Behavioral Intention to Use Learning Management Systems by Instructors
UTAUT, Behavioral Intention, LMS, Instructors, YemenAbstract
This research intends to contribute to the literature of learning management systems by determining the factors influencing the behavioral intention to use learning management systems by Instructors. The data was collected throughout a survey distributed to 70 instructors in Yemen using a stratified random sampling approach. The study findings show that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Training have a significant impact on the instructors’ attitude toward using LMS. Computer Self-Efficacy appears to be an insignificant predictor of the instructors’ Attitude toward using. In addition, the study findings show that attitudes toward using learning management systems have a significant impact on behavioral intention to use learning management systems. This study confirms that the proposed model is applicable to be used in different technologies within different countries, which helps in filling the human factors gap in the literature in the context of learning management systems.
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