Knowledge management and organizational innovation: State of the art for Latin America
Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Innovation, Organizational InnovationAbstract
Knowledge management (KM) and innovation are topics of interest at an academic and business level in Latin America. Therefore, the objective of this review article is to reflect its state of the art through a bibliometric study in the business and management area, using the Scopus database and the Vosviewer software as tools that facilitate the review of bibliometric indicators of quantity and quality, among others relevant in the analysis of 138 articles, taking into account their temporal evolution between the years 2003 to 2020. Main results, a growing field of research stands out, characterized by a greater force of bibliographic coupling between four authors; Oliveira, Texeira, Varvakis, and González, recognizing the most relevant topics: KM, competence in innovation and organizational performance, analysis of the relationship and conditions between KM and innovation, where countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico present higher academic production for Latin America.
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