Integration of Large Language Models in Mobile Applications for Statutory Auditing and Finance


  • Sergio Robles Serrano
  • Jesus Rios Perez
  • Germán Sánchez Torres Universidad del Magdalena


Palabras clave:

Inteligencia Artificial, revisoría fiscal, búsqueda semántica, Voice Interaction Community Group, grandes modelos de lenguaje


In the current digital age, Artificial Intelligence, with an emphasis on large language models, has gained prominence in various fields such as finance and tax auditing, offering greater efficiency and accuracy in accessing information. This study proposes a software architecture for a mobile application as an intelligent personal assistant in this domain, integrating semantic search and large language models to optimize responses. The methodology included a literature review and a focus on emerging technologies through a technological surveillance study, culminating in an architecture inspired by the Voice Interaction Community Group of the W3C, adapted for non-intent based models with LLM. After developing the application, corporate data was integrated, facilitating semantic searches using a dense passage retrieval scheme and integrating it with language models. The results showed increased efficiency in obtaining financial and tax information and more contextual responses, speeding up data retrieval. This indicates that such integrations can revolutionize how professionals access information. However, it is essential to address ethical, security, and privacy aspects to ensure the reliability and sustained adoption of these tools.

Biografía del autor/a

Germán Sánchez Torres, Universidad del Magdalena

Identificador ORCID


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