About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The magazine justice Juris is a publication of scientific, it is a means for the dissemination and socialization at national and international level of intellectual production of researchers of Law and Social and Political Sciences, which is a valuable contribution to the solution of local, regional and national problems without losing sight of its insertion in the global world

The magazine's main function is the publication of articles of innovation and research in this regard the articles to be published are those that deal with topics related to the science of law or the legal, social and political or socio-legal research and refer to a issue or problem of public interest and they can be classified in some of the following categories:

Article of scientific and technological research. Document presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection article. Document that presents finished research results from an analytical perspective, interpretative or critical of the author, on a specific subject, resorting to original sources.

Review article. Document result of a finished research where it is analyzed, systematized and integrated research results published or unpublished, on a field of science or technology, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Peer Review Process

Each article follows a selection process and arbitration or peer evaluation. In the process of selection of articles, the following procedure is followed:

• First the publisher shall review compliance with the formal requirements stated in these instructions, if the item meets the requirements reference is made to the editorial board, which shall choose the evaluator pair of article. Given that any original research should preferably be evaluated by academic peers external to the institution.

• The editor is responsible for sending the item to the evaluator selected by the Editorial Committee pair and to inform the committee the concept of par.

• The evaluator couple should consider the following: Originality and contribution of the article to knowledge of the area, conceptual precision and mastery, argumentative rigor, theoretical and conceptual Groundwork theme suitable methodology for work, Writing and coherence of the text, accessibility of language for the reader, relevance of the topic for the magazine, coherence between objectives and results, quality, relevance and timeliness of bibliographical sources.

• The process of evaluation by peers is done anonymously under double-blind mode.

• The Editorial Committee is responsible for deciding which articles will be published in each issue of the magazine, they will be returned to the author for correction or definitively rejected, and it will consider the concept of editor and assessor par.


Publication Frequency

Justice juris Magazine has a biannual basis, with national and international circulation through its website and inclusion in international databases. The elements of the magazine will be published massively as part of a volume with its own table of contents.
Justice juris Magazine published 18 to 20 articles per year

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge

Conflict of interest and other statements

Conflict of Interest

All authors are asked to indicate any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial relationship, personal or other persons or organizations that could inappropriately influence in their work.

Ethics norms

The importance of scientific publications and their impact on the academic and industrial environment as well as in the academic growth of teachers and researchers, has led in many cases lack of ethics in these publications. Scientific journals should ensure a process of acceptance, editing and publishing with the ethical guidelines of the different actors involved in these editorial processes.

The Autonomous University of the Caribbean, undertakes to comply with ethical standards in its publications, promoting a culture that allows action respect for the work of others and good practices in this work.

Policies provided herein are based on ethics in international organizations such as COPE (Committee on Publications ethics) available on the website, the rules for authors, referees and editors set out in summary.

Responsibilities of the authors:

- Item must be original and should not be considered simultaneously by another publication in the same or similar manner, including publication in different languages.

- Each of the authors must sign the respective letter and transfer of rights, as well as optionally declare any kind of conflict of interest.

- Any information obtained privately must have written permission from the source.

- The required data about the referees suggested must contain correct with the right experience for the revision of the respective article data.

- Authors must ensure that references are cited clearly and recognize when it has been influenced by the work of others, including own articles and research material.

Liability of arbitrators

- Conduct an objective review of the article, making constructive criticism and respectful suggestions, as well as being impartial in their judgments.

- To inform the editor if the work to arbitrate has been published previously or is under evaluation by another journal.

- Maintain the confidentiality of documents sent without using the information given there, until they have been published, making the respective summons.

- To inform the editor if any conflict of interest arises.

Responsibility of publishers

- Ensure that the selection process of articles based on academic merit and non-financial benefit or personal nature.

- Ensure the confidentiality of the review process and fairness in the selection.

- Identify cases of plagiarism (either by substantial copy, paraphrasing without respective citation, multiple presentation (translation) of the document in different journal among others) and apply due process following the manual of good practices. Make an ethical management of proper procedures.

- Check that items including research material, tables or images of substantial character or private information bring the respective permits for publication.