Journal Prospectiva
The Journal Prospectiva is a scientific and technical publication that aims to encourage the publication of research articles and technological development in the various branches of engineering and education.
The Journal is aimed at teachers, researchers and students of engineering and related careers that promote the advancement of knowledge applied to the development of technology towards the consolidation of a scientific community nationwide with national and international circulation.
Indexed and summarized in: SciELO Colombia, Scielo CitationIndex, DOAJ, EBSCO, LATINDEX, RedALyC, CLACSO-RedAlyC, PUBLINDEX, DIALNET
Indexed Publindex II - Category B 2020.ISSN online: 2216-1368ISSN printed: 1692-8261
Encuentros is a journal aimed at disseminating academic knowledge production from the Social and Human Sciences. It seeks to encourage debate on social, cultural, political, economic issues, and other related aspects.
It is open access and follows a double-blind peer review process.
The academic community is hereby informed that due to the high number of articles received and in order to comply with our timeframes and scope, the manuscript submissions are currently closed.
Dimensión Empresarial
Dimension Empresarial is projected to 2023 as a Scientific Magazine recognized nationally and internationally for the quality and impact of its publications. This will position it as one of the best magazines in the area of knowledge of organizations and their context in Latin America.
The Journal Dimensión Empresarial is open access and does not charge to publish.
Revista Arte & Diseño
La revista Arte & Diseño es el espacio de difusión de las áreas que conforman las diversas expresiones del saber que reúne la Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma del Caribe: el Diseño Gráfico y las disciplinas asociadas a la comunicación visual; el Diseño de Modas y las expresiones temporales del vestido; el Diseño de Espacios y los saberes relacionados con la interioridad arquitectónica; y la Arquitectura, el Urbanismo, la Gestión Ambiental y las ciencias que contribuyen a generar habitabilidad como resultado de las relaciones ambientalmente sustentables entre el ser humano y el territorio.
Revista indexada que publica resultados investigativos de multirealidades del ámbito educativo y está adscrita a la Maestría en Educación de la Universidad Autónoma del Caribe.
Justicia juris
The Justicia Juris magazine is the first magazine of the School of Law in the Caribbean Autonomus University (Universidad Autónoma del Caribe) it is a cientific magazine that collects all kinds of intellectual productions and researches by professionals in law and social sciences who rigorously assume the task of writing essays and articles from scientific and interdisciplinary approaches, with the purpose of enriching the reflection about the essence of law and its place in society.
Audience it addresses
The magazine it addresses at professionals and researchers in Law and Social and Political Sciences