Economic integration, the Pacific Alliance PA, Partial Scope Agreements and Economic Complementation PSA and EC, Common MarketAbstract
In 2012, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru signed an agreement with the Pacific Alliance. The reasons for creating this new group have two perspectives; the first being geopolitical, meaning that the Pacific Alliance is a response to what is called, “a left turn” by some Latin American governments. The second is an economic perspective in which the Alliance appears as a new open regional scheme which strives towards perfecting the free trade zone comprised of the four countries. From the political perspective, the Alliance would appear to create a counterbalance to Unasur and Mercosur but it does not have the institutional structure and the ability to convene that the others have been able to develop. From the economic perspective, the growth and stability that is observed among the four members of the Alliance are its best aspects and serious obstacles still exist that need to be overcome in order to transcend the integration phase; of most importance being the low compatibility of customs in the presence of third parties which make it almost impossible to have in the short term a common regional market in that area.
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