Green Company, sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), Code of EthicsAbstract
This article aims to diagnose the need for a model code of ethics or green sustainable company and raise awareness among employers of SMEs in the importance of integrating the business model to the environment and social development processes business and provide tools needed for this sustainable approach is implemented in small and medium enterprises in Latin America. Work of primary research sources was developed using a structured questionnaire to a representative sample of Managers and Owners of Travel Agencies of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies (AMAV) during the second half of the 2013. This questionnaire to know the extent of Code of ethics within a framework of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) everyday of the AMAV affiliates. The results showed the urgency and importance of implementing the Code of Business Ethics to be more transparent between partners and develop CSR programs as soon as possible to contribute to society and the environment from the drive of all affiliates the associationReferences
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